a little bit of studio love/guilt

One of the biggest things I love about my flat is that it is large and bright enough to have quite a generous sized "studio" area next to my bedroom. The entire flat is open-plan, so it sometimes makes it hard to tell where the studio ends and the bedroom begins, especially since I tend to do a lot of my creative pursuits while sitting on my bed, something I have done since I was little. Many a night my mum tucked me into bed only to find pens under the covers, or pencil sharpenings between the sheets!

These days I make sure that anything that involves untidiness takes place in my studio, and I only really do drawing on my bed now. This has meant that my studio is often full to the brim of bits and pieces of various crafty activities: half-carved blocks of lino, tubes of paint, paper cuttings, jewellery findings and pots of glitter.

My studio has come a long way since I first moved in a couple of years ago, but it is still nowhere near how it should be, especially if it is to be the hub of my business when I finally quit my day job. I don't know from where I have accumulated all this "stuff" but this is how my studio is looking at the moment...

I guess it isn't as bad as it could be, and I have a lot of boxes and drawers and storage compartments of various types which are pretty organised... honest!

I need to remember how lucky I am to even have a studio area, I know a lot of crafters have to put up with a teeny space or none at all, and it kind of makes me feel guilty for not looking after it properly...

Where do you prefer to do your crafty activities?

2 hellos:

Unknown said...

I love this space!

Vixie said...

Thank you so much! I find it very inspiring to be surrounded by pretty things, so it serves me well!

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