the evolution of a studio

So. It has occurred to me that if I am to quit my job any time soon and try to make a living being an artist/illustrator/crafter, I should probably take the whole thing a bit more seriously.

I am in the very fortunate position of having a lovely, bright studio space of my very own, but rather than it being a hive of creative activity like it should be, it is often to be found in a state of disarray with half-completed projects and craft materials strewn about the place in no real order, and toys cluttering up valuable work space. It seems a little out of character since I generally like everything to be in its own place, but perhaps the creative freedom I have found in my studio has overridden all that logic.

I think it's time to change my ways...

a mini peek into my old pretty studio...

Rather than act in the extreme by getting rid of everything in my studio that is not an art material, I decided to take a slightly less radical course of action: to clear all of the "pretty things" away from my immediate working area (all the toys and badges and sentimental bits that make the space really feel like mine) and remember to stay strong and not let them creep back in, like I have done in the past.

The wall opposite my main working area is painted a delicious minty green, and will from now on be the "pretty side" of my newly-functional space. If I feel the desperate need to display something, like a new kokeshi doll or tacky souvenir, it will be displayed on the green side of the room, possibly on a shelf, maybe even in a cabinet. That way I'll still have a double-purpose studio, but it won't be one where my desk is constantly cluttered and at which it is impossible to work. It also means that with all the clutter tidied away out of sight, I'll have a nice big space above my desk for an inspiration board!

studio progression over a couple of days...
and just look at all that space in the last picture!

I know it probably doesn't look as though that much has changed in there, but I can assure you it will make sooooo much difference! Just having everything I need completely to hand, and all the exotic stuff out of the way makes it feel so much more open and airy and inspiring!

Let's hope it does the trick!

6 hellos:

Claire said...

Oh, I *love* it, sweetie! I'm dying to get a handle on the Claire lair!


Vixie said...

Hooray! It should help with the whole inspiration/motivation thing, so let's just see how it goes!

Unknown said...

Great looking studio! Love the look either way. But much more organized looking the new way!

Vixie said...

Thank you Liv! I'll post more pics when it's fully cleared :)

Unknown said...

The last picture looks great - can't wait to see how it ends up.

Vixie said...

It still has a long way to go, but it should be so open and airy and practical when it's done - it's uber exciting!

You guys will have to come and visit soon... ;)

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