easter weekend frivolity

I wasn't able to spend the Easter weekend with my family down in the south west this year, nevertheless I still managed to have a lovely time! Having seen my parents last week certainly helped, as it seems like I almost never get to see them theses days, but thankfully I was able to spend the Easter weekend with some of my lovely friends instead: my friend Alex and her girlfriend came over to visit on Easter Sunday, and Yoyo and I prepared an Easter Egg Hunt for them and my friend James to enjoy!

We hid mini chocolate bunnies, creme eggs, mini eggs, chocolate coins and chocolate hearts all over the house, and each guest was given a basket in which to collect as many as possible. I have a feeling they weren't all found though so I'll be keeping a look out for any missed eggs over the next few weeks! Nyom!

To calm ourselves down after all the excitement of the hunt, we had a nice game of Carcassonne. If you haven't played it before, it.is.AMAZING. It is a German game loosely based around the walled city of Carcassonne in southern France. The board pieces are lots of square tiles depicting fields, cities, roads or monasteries and you have to build up a medieval landscape using the tiles. You can put figures on the board to act as monks, thieves, knights or farmers depending on where they are positioned, and you score depending on how much land your character occupies. There are far more rules, but that's another post for another time! It's crazy addictive and strategic - the perfect game!

the board game Carcassonne...

the real Carcassonne!

I am so excited to visit Carcassonne one day (it is definitely on my travel list) it looks absolutely beautiful in the pictures I have seen. Perhaps if France wins Eurovision this year... teehee!

As the weather was still gorgeous on Easter Monday I headed to my friend Kaz's house and we had a lovely little picnic in her garden with a blanket and everything! We gorged our little selves on Greek salad, roast potatoes, tortelloni and jam tarts. It's such a rare treat to lounge around in the sunshine on a Bank Holiday in April - it's almost unheard of in the UK!

I hope you all had a splendid Easter weekend as well!
Have any of you played Carcassonne, by any chance?

Picture credits:
Rabbit picture from here.
Carcassonne board picture from here.
Carcassonne castle picture from here.

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