a laser-like focus - part 1

Over the last few days I have been feeling quite unfocused and introspective: dreaming my way through the days, completely oblivious to what's going on around me. I'm feeling removed from my own existence, lost in my own thoughts, and it's quite a refreshing change from being weighed down with worry. It's very nearly holiday time and it feels as though my subconscious is fully aware of that, and has already made plans.

I'm hoping that with this time off (6 weeks, yay!) will come some motivation to get.some.stuff.done. I know I say the same thing every time I have a break from work - I make empty promises to myself that never actually come to anything - but this time is different. This time I am determined to make some changes. I've put it off for too long already, and instead of absent-mindedly plodding along like usual, I need to make my actions count and put that time to the best possible use.

Last night, in an especially reflective mood, I made myself a cup of decaf tea and sat with Yoyo on the floor of my studio pondering what I
need to achieve.

There's a lot on that particular list.

First things first: before I can get round to doing anything, my studio needs to be dealt with. It's a great space - expansive and bright - but full to the brim with stuff. Stuff that is very distracting. In order for it to fulfil it's potential, and to justify the fact that I actually have a studio, it needs to be a haven of utter calm where I can feel content, relaxed, happy and inspired. I get so envious of the beautiful studios I see on the internet, without appreciating just how lucky I am to have my own little retreat. It may never look the same as the perfect pictures I've seen, I understand that, but it needs to give me the same feeling of joy when I walk in there as I get when I see dream spaces like this:

all found via emeeme's pinterest board here

To make it easier, I gave myself a whole evening of modern-technology-shunning: with no internet, no picture-editing software, no online games and no mobile phone, I would have no distractions and no excuses.

It turns out all I needed was a bit of focus, some catchy tunes (on cassette since my computer was out of bounds) and some willpower. It's amazing what you can achieve in a short space of time when you have nothing to tempt and mislead you: in just a couple of hours my studio evolved from a disorganised and semi-chaotic state to a semi-organised but heading-towards harmonious state. I moved furniture around time after time to get the positions just right, cleared spaces that hadn't been clear since I'd first moved in, organised a whole pile of boxes labelled 'misc' and set up my beautiful new desk in a perfect light-flooded position parallel to the window.

In previous studios, like my old painting studio at uni, I used to force myself into the tightest corner, keeping everything very close to me and never spreading myself out too far. Having everything close-at-hand meant that I was able to stay holed up in my little coccoon for most of the day, rarely leaving the cozy corner I occupied. I was offered more space, I just didn't want it.

Now I have this lovely open space and I'm still clinging on to that comforting feeling of having everything within easy reach, when really it makes far more sense to have things further away from my desk, making it necessary for me to stand up and walk about every now and then, something I rarely do at the moment. Sometimes I don't believe that this space is all mine and I forget that I can do what I like with it. Sure, I can hole myself up in a corner if I really want to, or I could spread my wings and do whatever I want in here - the possibilities are endless, and I'm feeling positively liberated with that realisation.

It's amazing how much clearer, both physically and emotionally, things get when you're focused.

6 hellos:

Unknown said...

I actually realised today how disorganised and unfocused I've become. The Mr is away in Leeds for the day and I've been left to my own devices. I had one or two odd jobs to do at the request of the Mr while he's away (Hang out the washing and take the duvet to the laundrette) and also I had an opticians appointment. I was LATE to the opticians even though it wasn't even 10 mins away from my house and it took me AN HOUR to sort everything for the laundrette. I realised when I got to the laundrette I had forgotten the fabric conditioner so I walked all the way home again - duvet in tow - to get it only to set back off again in the pouring rain.
I'm also constantly making lists but seem to never tick any off.
I reorganised my craft room lately too but there's still LOTS more that needs doing.
The internet is too distracting sometimes and so is a blog. I can spend literally HOURS browsing and reading and playing video games.
I think I just need to tell myself to stop.procrastinating.

I think I too am in need of modern-technology-shunning.

Glad to hear you feel a little more focused and have ticked a few things off your list. Here's hoping some of your motivation rubs off on me!

xo Amy

Vixie said...

It was so nice to not have the internet - it really forced me to get stuff done that I'd been putting off for ages, and it's very freeing!

It's good to have someone to be motivated with - if I can keep it up, I hope you'll be able to too! Would love to see pics of your craft room!

Diana said...

It is true what we've all read, the environment really does effect our psyche. I think cleaning is a great cleanse and will open your mind. Serenity now!

Vixie said...

Let's hope Amy and I can maintain this momentum!

Anonymous said...

Let's hang out soon. I can come over and you can do art and I can knit if you like :)

I'm going away for a couple of weeks but then I'll be back!

Vixie said...

That sounds splendid! Yeah, go go being focused! It's awesome!

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