kate middleton on a jelly bean

Wow, look what someone awesome has found:

...it's a jelly bean with Kate Middleton's face on it! Imagine that! The finders are planning to sell the jelly bean (mango-flavoured in case you are interested, apparently) on eBay for £500. Go on, let's see how much it's up to!


I have just checked eBay and it doesn't appear to be listed yet... however, I did find this original painting by Dan Lacey:

This amazing painting can be found listed here, and you can read more about the artist here. It's up to $40 (USD) and still has 8 days left! I know you want it, really. Don't deny yourself the pleasure, guilty or otherwise!

6 hellos:

Claire said...

What is the random red blob on Kate's head? Is it the jellybean?


Vixie said...

I believe it is! I think William is admiring it :)

Anonymous said...

O my gosh - That jelly bean is amazing! (And hilarious) - LOL and the painting is too much :)

Vixie said...

I know, isn't it fab? And I have just the place for it in my apartment...

Clare Alicia said...

Hahaha amazing - just came across your blog and I love it. Particularly like the lists of other blogs you like - such a good idea to get a tighter community across the blog-o-sphere!

Vixie said...

Thank you very much Clare! I hope you continue to enjoy the blog, and if there's anything you'd like to see, just let me know and I'll add it to one of my vast lists!

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