This year it is on Thursday 22nd September - this Thursday! Kathryn had a chari-tea party to raise money for the White Stuff Foundation , and provided her guests with cucumber sandwiches, a Victoria Sponge cake and all sorts of other goodies, including party games and bingo! Plus, of course, she wore her tea cosy on her head with pride.
When I mentioned it to a colleague at school this morning they were wholly unsurprised that it was something I wanted to do, and even offered up their own tea cosy for me to use! As generous as this was, I am actually hoping to make my own tea cosy for the occasion, but if that fails I know where to go.
I've been looking at lots of pretty tea cosies to get some inspiration, and some of them are pretty darn snazzy, I must say! Here are some of my favourites:
{spiky flowers by Cassi} {tiger drinking tea by minouette}
{foxy springtime by Julie} {bright birdy by Mary}
{buttony cosy by Geraldine} {knitted crown by Debi Birkin}
{felted cosy on} {liquorice allsorts by Jacky Edwards}
How about some woodland animals, just for good measure:
{brown owl from Periwinkle Park} {pink squirrel by pig and company}
Oh, and just for fun, look what else I spied along the way:

{Mary Poppins} {matryoshka} {librarian} {nun} all from Handmade Awards
I feel an obsession coming on...
1 hellos:
Thanks for including my tea cozy in your wonderful round-up!
Cassi from Bella Dia
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