making friends at the international alternative press festival

I accidentally spent £40 at the International Alternative Press Festival on Saturday.

There were so many unique, interesting and generally awesome comics/zines/books/publications/original artworks/oddities, I could have easily spent a lot more. Plus it was the day after payday, so how could I possibly have resisted all that nice new money in my bank account?! And it wasn't wasted, I got masses of stuff...

...and had lots of lovely chats with various lovely people. I have a list of email addresses of people I said I would email and blogs I said I would check out, so I shall be doing a lot of that this week. What an excellent way to spend a week off work!

I was accompanied by my first-born cousin, though it was actually her suggestion so perhaps I was her chaperone? Either way, it was a mighty splendid affair and we had a great time making friends, getting inspired and eating falafel.

As always after this type of event/experience, I am feeling all energised and enthusiastic and motivated and can't believe I have never thought of writing/drawing a zine before now! Perhaps that can be a monthly project some time later in the year... and it shall be about Eurovision or unicorns or lemurs or snowstorms or dinosaurs. Or maybe a mixture of all of the above.

BTW if you're in London and interested in what else is going on this week, check out the Alternative Press calendar and takeover. Oh, and there's a zine sleepover on Thursday 2nd June...

4 hellos:

Unknown said...

Very cool! Wish I could go!

Vixie said...

It was awesome, I wish they had them every weekend!!

Anonymous said...

I've been to a few of the APFs before. I'd have probably been to this one too if I hadn't been in Edinburgh so much :(

Vixie said...

It was really good! I can't wait to go to more!

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