love and hugs for Miss Yoyo please!

At 5:20 this morning I woke up with a start. Normally the only reasons for waking so early are that it's raining very hard or I'm being jumped on by my over-excited kitty. Outside my window the sky was bright and clear, and Yoyo wasn't anywhere to be seen. As I scanned the room to find where she was, I saw that she was sat on one of the high beams above my bathroom. There must have been a couple of tiny moths fluttering close to the roof, as when I looked over I saw that she was patiently watching something (in her bizarre bum-in-the-air pouncing position), waiting for her moment to strike.

At 5:24 Yoyo leapt up to catch whatever she had been scrutinising, failed to catch it, missed her footing and fell from the beam, hitting a drying-rack of clothes before hitting the floor. She must have fallen with quite a bit of force as she snapped the first rung of the drying rack. I didn't see how she landed, but considering the distance (about 3-4 metres), she should have had time to right herself and land OK. My view was obscured by the rack, so I didn't see how she hit it or anything.

She seemed fine, if a little shaken, and I spent the next hour or so sitting with her on the floor, giving her cuddles and checking to see that her legs and feet were OK. I don't know which bit of her body hit the rack, but her face and neck were fine. I checked her tummy (though I have no idea what I was looking for) and that all seemed OK too. The worry I have is that if she hit the rack on her front she could have bashed something inside, which of course I wouldn't be able to see. She was no more meow-y than usual, and I'd hope that if she had hurt herself she would let me know, right? Yoyo is my first kitty, so I'm new to all of this.

She ate her breakfast as normal, and had a nice long drink before I had to leave for work. I have a few hours left before I can go home and check on her, but like everyone has been telling me all day, she is young and fit and strong, so she'll probably be fine. I will be keeping a very close eye on her over the next few days though, and giving her lots of extra snuggles.

I'm amazed, and very thankful, that I intuitively woke up in time to see what happened. I can't begin to imagine what state I would have been in if I had been woken up by the sound of her crashing to the floor, without having any idea how she had got there.

What a silly meower she is. I bet she only did it for all this extra attention, the little monkey!

0 hellos:

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