dress up your roll

Why I have never thought of this, I just don't know...

Have you heard of the 'Dress up your Roll' competition?

It is a competition to make the best toilet roll cover.
I'm not even joking.

This is from Quilt Jane - the blogger who runs the competition:

"The toilet roll is always last to be best dressed. It is often hidden in the cupboard or left bare and exposed on the top of the toilet suite.

I want to challenge all quilters and crafter to come up with some original ideas. Covers are simple and quick to make. They are a great way to use up scraps."

The Rules:

1. Join the Flickr group
2. Make a fabric cover for your roll. Embellishments are permitted
3. Post the picture(s) of your finished project on Flickr. If you wish to write a tutorial for your creation then add the link to the picture on Flickr
4. You can enter has many times as you like
5. Most importantly, don't forget to leave a way for me to contact you

There are a couple of tutorials on the website, here and here, and check out the judges and prizes here. The competition finishes on 1st March 2012 and winners will be announced the week after.

Would anyone like to join me in making one??

0 hellos:

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