Eurovision semi-final results

Tuesday night saw the first semi final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2012.

It was incredible.

Some people might not know about the most spectacular show on Earth, so you can read more of my opinions about why it's the best thing ever or take a peek at the official website for more info, if you care to.

Of the 18 acts who performed, 10 went through to the final which is being held this Saturday. As Azerbaijan won the contest last year they have the opportunity to play host, and a new arena has been built in the capital city, Baku, especially to host ESC.

Tonight was the second semi-final, and another 10 countries went through to the final, to make 26 entrants in total.

There are 6 countries who always go through automatically: France, Spain, Italy, Germany, UK and the host country. The first of the five are known as The Big Five, and they go through every year as they are the largest financial contributors to the event. The other countries through to the final are, in no real logical order:

Romania, Moldova, Iceland, Hungary, Denmark, Albania, Cyprus, Greece, Russia, Ireland, Serbia, Lithuania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Turkey, Ukraine, Sweden, Norway, F.Y.R. Macedonia, Estonia and Malta.

And of course I want Norway to win -

You can see all of my previous Eurovision posts here (I know you secretly want to).

0 hellos:

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