As my time management lately is somewhat less than adequate, it has come to drastic measures i.e. turning off all technology for an evening to see how much I can get done. A lot it seems! Yay!
However, turning everything off is not the most practical option - sometimes a girl needs to listen to a particular song which she may not have on tape, or urgently add a new idea to a spreadsheet, or look at kittens to calm herself down. It's a tough existence without Mr Lappy, and although I'm glad I tried it as an experiment, it's probably not going to be something I can do more than once a week in reality. I need a method which I can do every day.
A while ago, my holistic therapist suggested I use a mini chalkboard to keep a list of daily/weekly tasks, which would be regularly updated, where I could tick each off once it had been completed. I'm the kind of person who likes having to-do lists and stuff to tick off - it gives me a sense of having accomplished something and increases my motivation when I see a long line of ticked-off objectives.
I've been trying the chalkboard thing for a while now, and although I do still get distracted by pretty things occasionally, at least it's a step in the right direction. Now my focus is slightly better after seeing just how much I can achieve when I put my mind to it, I just need to sort out my time management. I've heard of a thing called The Pomodoro Technique, and I think it's something I should have a go at doing: it's a simple time management method, developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s, which uses a timer to break down tasks into 25 minute chunks, with 5 minute breaks between each chunk. I'm pretty sure I can manage focused bouts of 25 minutes without too much of a problem, and to make it more fun, look at the pretty timer I bought myself in Carnaby Street at the weekend:
8 hellos:
That is an awesome timer. I use Pomodoro but with a Chrome browser plugin (which switches off access to my favourite websites while I'm working but still allows access to important research sites). I also use for my to do list.
Isn't it cute? Yeah, I've thought about that before. And I tried teuxdeux, but there was something aboutit I didn't like. Classic ol' chalkboard is good enough for me :)
Good luck, sweet girl! I often compartmentalise my day, so I'm interested to see how you get on.
Good luck - am sure you will rock this technique!
Thank you ladies - will let you know how it goes!
I have a pomodoro timer app on my Android phone. Kind of forgotten it's there though. I have been vaguely productive today, but I'm really quite looking forward to the Internet blackout period when I move in with my best lady (15 sleeps!) as I can get on with finishing my not-very-secret project without too much distraction.
Apart from, of course, the *massive* distraction of the woman I love being there all the bloody time.
Oh dear, this comment has morphed into a serving of immeasurable gloopy soppiness.
I think it's adorable that that comment turned into soppiness :) where are you guys moving to?
New Cross. Straight down the East London line!
(I am already straight down the East London Line, just a bit further down)
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