an introduction to Movember


Frocktober was all about raising awareness and funds to help beat ovarian cancer, while Movember is kind of like the boy equivalent - it's all about raising awareness and funds to help beat testicular and prostate cancer - and is usually done by growing a moustache through the month of November.

I have joined a team which was set up by the Head of Performing Arts (natch, darling) at my school, but as I am unable to be a 'Mo Bro', I have signed up as a Mo Sista - this requires less in the way of facial-hair-growing, but more in the way of flags, banners and frivolity. Maybe even bunting.

I may not have the natural ability to grow an actual moustache, but that's not the kind of thing that will stop me from joining in with the charity activities - no, siree! I'll just have to think outside the box a little.

My initial thoughts were along the lines of snazzy moustache hairclips, snazzy moustache shoe-clips, snazzy moustache brooches, snazzy moustache plushies, and of course:


{1} {2} {3}

But then I also saw this super cute tutorial from Tiffany Kelley, so I pretty much have to make these for all the Mo Sistas at work - but perhaps with some extra glitter or rhinestones... I'm a sucker for sparkly things.

And if the worst comes to the worst, I could always give myself a moustache manicure...

...or get me one of these babies...

Anyone care to join me in the funness that is Movember?

1 hellos:

Unknown said...

I like the image at the top of this post. It made me smile. Thanks. x

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