Nest: a cosy, crafty hideaway

I was very recently introduced, by my knitter-extraordinaire friend Sarah, to the wonderful hidden treasure that is Nest.

Nest may well look like a normal knitting shop, but it's much more than that - the lovely ladies offer one-to-one tutorials, various classes and courses, as well as a knitting and crochet group who meet every Monday and Friday to knit together, while drinking tea and eating cake.

It was to one of these that I was invited, and first had the opportunity to take in the splendour of the place - the beauty of the yarn-filled alcoves, the cosiness of the little crafting nook and the shelves covered in lovely handmade goodies.

As my knitting is pretty rusty and my crochet skills non-existent, I decided to buy some merino wool tops plus a couple of ludicrously sharp needles and have a little go at felting. Pictures will come as soon as I have actually made something!

If you're in the area, I recommend you check it out - and let me know so I can come and play too!

2 hellos:

Unknown said...

This could tempt me to North London.

Vixie said...

Yeah! Do it! It's really lovely!

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