best friends jewellery - you know you love it

What with friendship bracelets coming back into fashion, it's only a matter of time before we're all sporting best friend necklaces - preferably the type consisting of two parts which fit together to make a heart... they're my favourites.

So, with this in mind, I have compiled a photo collage (yeah, I love 'em) of my favouritest best friend necklaces. Kaz will be one happy bunny when one of these turns up on her doorstep...

But which ones are the best? It's a toughie! Quel est votre opinion?

2 hellos:

Laughing Vixen Lounge said...

These are all so cute! Thanks for including my pendant 8)

Unknown said...

ooh - so hard to choose. If I had to choose just one it would be the peas in a pod possibly.

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