RAoK 365: 16 more free RAoKs

>>>yet more free Random Acts of Kindness<<<

write a letter to someone who made a difference to your life
give something away on Freecycle
say good morning to everyone you see on your way to work
make a brew for someone who is too busy to do so themselves
return a lost belonging to the owner
write a poem for someone
tidy up after yourself
volunteer at an after school club or a nursing home
sign up to be a Big Brother or Big Sister to a disadvantaged child
use ecofont to help save the environment and reduce your own printing costs
let someone go ahead of you in a queue
take part in Movember
take part in a charity run
de-ice a neighbours car windscreen
give up your seat on the train for someone

>>>see all the previous RAoK posts here<<<

have you done any of these already?

2 hellos:

Unknown said...

I'm already an active member of the local Freecycle group. I've been a member to 2 local ones in my life so far; before we moved, I was a member of my home town one for about 3 years, and when we moved I signed up to my new local one straight away! It is such a great way to recycle and keep things out of landfills. However, sometimes there are things you can't help but throw away sadly.
Hope you have a lovely weekend, I'm certainly going to look into a few things you mentioned.

Vixie said...

I love Freecycle, I have got some awesome stuff from it and donated masses of stuff on it too - I don't know why everyone doesn't do it, it's such a great idea!

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