spinning pinwheel pins

We're almost at the end of May now, and it should start feeling like summer any time soon, right?

This crazy London weather is getting me down, so I made some pretties to bring some colour and cheer into May's grey days. When I think of summers at the beach a lot of stuff comes to mind, but probably my favourite holiday trinket is the humble pinwheel.

Oh, pinwheel with your spinny rainbow of awesome, you brighten even the dullest of days!

With that in mind:

The best thing is they actually spin round!

And here's Yoyo keeping an eye on proceedings, as ever:

You can find my new pinwheel brooches in my shop, woop!

4 hellos:

Rose Eva said...

that last photo is so cute! & those pinwheels look awesome :)

Rose Eva

Vixie said...

Aw, thanks Rose Eva! I'm going to go and check out your blog :)

Unknown said...

Pinwheel brooches that actually spin? You are some kind of genius!

Vixie said...

Thanks, lovely! I'm quite fond of them :)

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