in my (roller-skating) dreams

My dream last night was awesome, and a little depressing at the same time...

I was in a super cool roller derby team, and we were proper good and feisty and everything, but then upon waking I realised that despite having had my beautiful skates for almost a year now, I haven't got them out more than a handful of times.

What with all sorts of weird stuff happening in my personal life last year, and then moving house and becoming a bit of a hermit over the last 6 months, I've just not been in the right frame of mind for attempting to re-ignite my long-forgotten rollerskating "skills". Perhaps I should walk about the house wearing them every now and then, just to get used to having them on.

In no time I imagine I'll get impatient and want to go outside in them, it's just finding somewhere secluded enough, and devoid of people... I wonder if my gym would allow me to skate around in the yoga room when it's not being used - it's got a smooth floor and mirrors, so it'll be the perfect place to check out how I'm doing. I mean, it's got huge windows along one side of it, but those gym girls have seen me in all kinds of bloody awful states so seeing me falling on my bum a couple of times is probably a vast improvement.

Last year, a group of girls and I made such plans to form a roller derby troupe and all get skates and work hard to become good and join a league but nothing has come of it other than me buying (and failing to use) a pair of skates. Oh, the ambitions of youth! I guess since some of them were rather intoxicated at the time that might have had something to do with their compliance and forgetfulness... No matter, I've always been one to be independent and get on with whatever I want despite others' non-interest, so I can go ahead and train by myself, it'll be a good little personal challenge for the summer.

I used to be ace at it when I was younger: I would zoom around the park, zoom around the playground and then zoom all the way home again, with such complete confidence that nothing would faze me.

I long to be back at that point, and if skating is anything like riding a bike, surely it should come flooding back as soon as I try again, right???

3 hellos:

Brooke Ann Dove said...

It's kinda like riding a bike... it takes a bit more time to get your muscles back in the swing of things. I say go for it! Strap on those wheels and get skating!

Vixie said...

Luckily my lower legs are still pretty strong - I know my thighs need some work though. I just need to get back in the game, like you say! Woop!

Unknown said...

I think you should go for it. The kids in New Cross/Deptford use a local park to skate in, as it is flat and the practice going backwards and turning. They also sometimes try and hitch rides on the back of buses!

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