dragons are actually good

For quite a while now I've been reading the blog, Love The Liberry.

In it, four librarians share snippets of their daily interactions with customers at the library where they work... and it's amazing to hear the kinds of things people expect librarians to know/do. I often can't help but laugh out loud while reading it, much to the annoyance of Yoyo who is almost always asleep next to me.

A post entitled "Dragons" showed up in my feed the other week - and this is what it said:

A customer shared the following fact with me just now: "Dragons are actually good. They are like uncles to all of us." 

It didn't say whether the commenter was a child or an adult, but either way I think it's just charming. Plus, dragons really are awesome... just take a looksy: 

How do you feel about dragons?
Do you agree that they're actually good??

2 hellos:

mijbil said...

What a lovely collection of dragons! Thank you soooooo much for the feature, and big hugs from Sweden! :)

Vixie said...

You're very welcome! Hooray for Sweden - I'll be there for Eurovision in 195 days!!!

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