my favourite things this week #61

aww, this snow wolf pin by Modernaked is sooooo adorable

I would absolutely love to get a pigeon in the post from 16 Sparrows

this awesome brooch by bRainbow would look ace on any outfit

I'm loving this tote bag by Kimberley of Handmade&Craft

I can't wait to try this mint choc flavoured lip gloss from Henry Happened

this super sweet little bear constellation necklace was made by Kate of Oh Someday

this cute butt club illustration by Mel Stringer is (as expected) super cute!

6 hellos:

Unknown said...

The Clarissa paper dolls are super cute! My brother recently got me a Debbie Harry paper doll.

Vixie said...

Oooh, a Debbie Harry paper doll would be super cool too! I should totally start a collection...

Kim @ Everything Etsy said...

Thanks so much for sharing my bag! What a great collection!


Vixie said...

Hi Kim! You're welcome - it's super cute! x

kate gabrielle said...

Thank you so much for including my Clarissa dolls! :D

Vixie said...

You're so welcome, Kate! Clarissa rocks my socks!

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