lovely new stockist - a room in my house

After having a stall at the Vintage Tea Party & Gift Fair in Highgate, run by the lovely Cristina and Susanna, I was asked if I would like to stock some of my origami goodies in their little shop, A Room In My House.

Tucked away just off Church Lane in East Finchley, North London, it's a rather familiar haunt - just across the way from my old primary school, and round the corner from my granny's house!

The shop is like a big, lovely dressing-up box, and while the girls specialise in vintage clothing, accessories and homewares, there are also pretty crafty bits and pieces and handmade goodies scattered amongst the vintage gems.

If you happen to be in the area, why not pop in and say hello?

1 hellos:

Unknown said...

Oh that sounds like a lovely spot for your stuff to be stocked!

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