my favourite Etsians - Q&A with Lauren of AQuartzyLife

Time for another Q&A with one of my favourite Etsians - today is the turn of the wonderful Lauren Younis of AQuartzyLife.

Let's get started: firstly, how long have you been creating, and how did you get into it?

I have been creating since my sophomore year of college, so for almost four years! It was basically curiosity that started me painting - I first began with watercolors, and then started using acrylics and oils, then collaging, and then started making all sorts of things.

How about any specific art training or are you self-taught?

As of now, I have no formal training, but I always thought it would be cool to take art classes. Maybe one day I will - I would love to learn graphic design.

{you're the one} {all your life} {I get you}

And where do you get your inspiration from?

I get inspiration from lots of places! Being inspired is a really organic, free-flowing process that happens all the time. I have always been very observant - of my surroundings, of patterns, of people and their emotions and feelings - and all this can be channelled into creative energy for sure. I have a general sensitivity about the world, I think, that helps me be creative: I like to inspect things and dissect things and look at things in different ways.

What else do you like to do other than creating?

I spend a lot of time creating, but I also really love decorating - I frequently re-arrange my living space, and think of other living spaces in my head and then decorate those! I also spend a lot of time at Anthropologie, where I work, which is never a bad thing! I have always loved to read - now I'm on a kick of mostly magazines but I certainly love novels as well. And I love writing. Love it. Before anything else, I consider myself a writer.

Changing the subject completely, I'm always fascinated to hear the answer to this question: if you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?

Probably something weird and playful, but with an attitude and an intense survival instinct, like a honey badger.

Honey badger pretty much rocks my socks. Perhaps you could incorporate a honey badger into one of your pieces! As it is, what is your favourite project or item in your shop, and why?

This is a great question! I like everything for different reasons - sometimes I like the result, sometimes I like process of what I make. But I'd have to say my ultimate favorite thing to make is that which takes the most time, my little hand-sewn books. They are a combination of words, visuals, patterns, ideas - all the things I really like to create with.

I would love to see more mini books in your shop, if they're not too time-consuming to make - the What Is It book is adorable! Finally, would you like to share an interesting fact about yourself?

When I first began painting and drawing, one of the very first illustrations I made was an image of these wooden chairs with colorful rugs beneath them, and the owner of a small cafe in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, saw them on my website and wanted me to tweak them for his logo/brand identity. Being young, and new at the whole 'selling my work' thing, I sold him the rights to the image for some absurdly low price, something like $25. It's called the Settle Down Cafe - it's this really adorable coffee cafe and art and record space, and you can see it today if you visit!

Next time I'm up north I'll definitely go and check it out! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions, Lauren!

Don't forget to check out Lauren's {flickr} {blog} {shop}

2 hellos:

Unknown said...

Thank you for introducing me (and all your readers) to such a lovely shop!

Vixie said...

You're very welcome! :)

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