thank you, kindly

Ever since I was a little girl, one of my favourite things to do in January is write post-Christmas thank you cards to friends and family.

Emails, phone calls or text messages just don't cut it - hand-written thank you letters or cards are necessary. Most of the people I have mentioned this to have reacted with surprise when I tell them I still write thank you letters, expecting that I would have stopped in my teens or earlier, but this assumption always shocks me in return. If people have been generous enough to give me a gift, the polite thing to do is thank them for it, surely!...

...and what better way than with one of these pretty printable cards?

Do you write thank you letters?

2 hellos:

mysterymoor said...

I don't do it but it's a great tradition! I'm bookmarking this post for future reference. I felt so bad I didn't send any Christmas cards this year!

Vixie said...

I didn't send actual Christmas cards either, I completely lost track of time!

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