let me show you 27 of my favourite bird wallpapers

Without further ado - let's do exactly what the title says...

1// 2// 3// 4// 5// 6// 7// 8// 9//

10// 11// 12// 13// 14// 15// 16// 17// 18//

19// 20// 21// 22// 23// 24// 25// 26// 27//

Now I just need to choose one... suggestions?

4 hellos:

Unknown said...

I love this post. Pretty wallpaper and an ace title - win!

Vixie said...

but which wallpaper is your favourite?!

Anne Butera said...

ooooh, so hard to choose. They all look lovely!!

Vixie said...

I *think* I have got the boy to agree to wallpaper number 26 - woohoo, green with birds! What more could a girl want?!

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