less pastel, more rainbow

A little while ago I decided that as soon as I leave my job I would go back to having pretty coloured hair, and wrote a post about a bunch of pretty pastel hairstyles I had spotted around the interwebs.

As the time to leave has been getting closer and closer, I have been thinking about it more and more and have decided that maybe pastel hair, though super pretty, might be too subtle. I don't want to go mad with the colours or anything, but I would like this to be a reward for leaving my soul-sucking job, and I just don't think pastel will be enough.

So I've found some new options for the hair I want to have from 21st July onwards...

{1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12}

Which (if any!) of these do you like?

3 hellos:

Unknown said...

I LOVE 9 and 10. Love rainbows hair! It will really suit you xx

Vixie said...

Yay, 9 and 10 are my favourites too! Woop!

Anonymous said...

Ahh I NEED to colour my hair ASAP I want bright colours!! x

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