life is too short

image via Nay Nay Blog

So I only have a day left at my job.
And I don't have another one lined up for after the school holidays.

I know, I know, I'm crazy for quitting any job when the economic situation is so bad and unemployment is so high. Trust me, I've heard it all, but I just had to escape. I appreciate that in many ways I was lucky to even have a job, but this way it's like I've given someone else a chance to have a job - someone who will probably like it more than I did.

I've been a pretty sensible bear and I've been saving up my pennies for the last 6 months, so I should have a financial cushion of about 5 or 6 months' worth of mortgage/bills/food/Yoyo stuff but alas, no extra moolah for glitter or stickers or pretty bits of sparkle.

Luckily, my studio is bursting full of awesome bits of tat that I've not yet made use of, so perhaps this will give me an opportunity to use what I already have and finally stop the rapid accumulation of tinsel, glitz and unnecessary gaudiness. Plus this could also help in making my studio more of a useable room rather than it's current state: that of a craft swamp.

And if I get really desperate, I can always ask for sequins for my birthday or something, right?


Do you think this is an exciting development, or like pretty much everyone else, do you think it is foolish and naive of me to take such a leap of faith at such an uncertain time without any real plans of what I'm seriously going to do, with only determination, passion and the will to succeed on my side???

4 hellos:

Anonymous said...

I love that quote, I think it should be on my wall! I don't think you're crazy at all, and if you are it's the good kind of crazy! I'm so excited for you!!

Vixie said...

Yay! Thanks Zoe, that's exactly what I needed to hear! I'm super excited tooooooooo! Woop!

Unknown said...

I am excited to see what you do next x

Vixie said...

Thanks Siobhan, it means a lot to me that you have faith in me!!!

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