this time tomorrow I'll have rainbow hair...

quit job - check.
researched rainbow hair - check.
hair dyes purchased in abundance - check.
hair lightened - check.

I'm all ready to go... now I just have to decide how I should do it...

rainbow lengths?
kinda random?

I can't decide - what do you think?

4 hellos:

Michelle said...

Hey! I've been reading your blog since our Joy Exchange (I sent you the hot air balloon!). I'm terrible about commenting, but I love your rainbow hair idea, and my vote is to make it totally random. How fun!!

Vixie said...

Hi Michelle! I'm glad you've stuck around :) I have your hot air balloon up in my studio and I can see it right now from where I'm typing!

I think random strands of colour would be the safest option, cause then if it goes wrong I can say I planned it like that!!

Anonymous said...

Eeek! I can't wait to see your rainbow hair!

Michelle said...

So true! Can't wait to see it!

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