origami crane love

It gives me the warmest feeling when I'm just casually scrolling through my Google Reader of an evening - and suddenly catch sight of something that looks oh so familiar...

Miss Laura of Blue Eyed Night Owl recently featured this little necklace of mine, as well as a whole bunch of other pretties, in a blog post about origami themed goodies - how lovely!

Go and check out all the other pretties she found, here!

Thanks, Laura!

4 hellos:

Unknown said...

It is a gorgeous necklace - so I can completelty see why she featured it. xx

Vixie said...

aww, thanks, lovely!

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

I'm glad you liked it! Your necklace absolutely had to be in it;)

And thanks for this awesome shout out!

Vixie said...

Thanks, lovely! You're very welcome!

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